Many of us think of the holidays as a free pass to indulge in all the decadent foods and drinks we want. After all, it’s only once a year, right?

But Prowers Medical Center Registered Dietitian John Ruibal says that making just a few good choices during the last half of December can help us start 2024 with more energy and better health.

“Holiday celebrations can include lots of socializing and special foods but also some common-sense eating and exercise,” Ruibal said. “It’s not hard to fit in one healthy choice each day. And the great news is that if you start building in smart habits now, they’ll be even easier to incorporate into your life come January.”

Here are 12 healthy choices to make during the remainder of the holidays. Try including at least one each day between now and New Year’s.

1. Make time for a little exercise.

You don’t need a gym membership or personal trainer to work on fitness. Simply walking for 15 to 30 minutes a day is a great way to get started. Lamar has great places to walk, including the Lamar Loop, Willow Creek Park and North Gateway Park, which is a 1.8-mile stretch around the ponds.

2. Save your calories for the good stuff.

If you know you’ll be indulging at a holiday party, eat lightly the rest of the day.

3. Drink extra water.

Be intentional about drinking water throughout the day, and drink a full glass of water in between higher-calorie beverages. This will help keep you hydrated as well as feeling satisfied.

A Time for Gratitude

As 2023 comes to a close, we’d like to express our gratitude to the Prowers Medical Center staff and physicians for their tireless dedication to caring for our community.

Health care is an essential service, and our team members are essential to health care in Prowers County.

4. Add a serving of veggies.

Instead of thinking you have to skip a special food, enjoy the special food but also add a generous serving of veggies to your plate. The veggies will help fill you up and add needed

5. Eat a healthy breakfast, like
oatmeal or eggs.

Studies show that most people who maintain a healthy weight eat breakfast.

6. Move more.

If you’re sitting at a family gathering or watching TV during the dark winter evenings, challenge yourself to get up and move around for 10 minutes or so every hour.

7. Weigh yourself.

You may think you should avoid stepping on the scale during the holidays, but now’s a great time to weigh yourself at least once a week to keep an eye on this important health metric.

8. Take a small plate.

If you’re at a holiday gathering with a buffet or snack table, use a small plate instead of a large plate. You may be surprised at how little food it actually takes for you to feel satisfied.

9. Prioritize sleep.

Healthy sleep is critical to overall wellbeing and affects thinking, mood, mental health, and cardiovascular and metabolic health.

10. Wait a few minutes in between helpings.

If you’ve eaten a portion of a special food and immediately want more, try waiting five or 10 minutes before reaching for seconds. It takes your brain time to tell you you’re full.

11. Indulge in connection.

The best thing about holiday socializing is spending quality time with friends and family. Think about indulging in conversation and connection with your loved ones instead of too many rich foods and drinks.

12. Make time for spirituality.

Whatever spirituality means to you, try including a little spiritual time in each day. This practice will help you feel more grounded and appreciative of the reasons for the season.