Sue Selker, RN, Manager of the New Beginnings Birth Center at Prowers County Medical Center, reports that 40 babies have been born at the birthing center since its reopening at the end of February. That’s 40 moms and families who were able to deliver and receive high-quality OB and well-baby care close to home.

“Everything is going very well in our birthing center,” reported Selker who has 25 years’ experience as an OB nurse and in OB leadership. “We have great patient satisfaction. And we are specializing in super-cute babies!”

Selker, who is certified in maternal newborn nursing, added that along with OB/GYNs Dr. Christian Korkis and Dr. Rebecca Cisneros, the birthing center is staffed by a team of highly experienced Labor and Delivery nurses, all of whom are trained to provide lactation support to new moms.

“We make sure moms get started with the right information and hands-on breastfeeding support,” Selker said. “We follow skin-to-skin guidelines, which helps moms start producing milk and babies learn to recognize their mothers’ smell. In the beginning, breastfeeding can sometimes be tricky. We help new moms get comfortable positioning the baby and ensuring latch.”

Colorado has one of the highest breastfeeding rates in the country. According to the

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 94% of newborns are breastfed, and 66% are still breastfeeding at six months. Selker said that most moms who deliver at Prowers County Medical Center breastfeed. They understand breastfeeding’s many benefits:

  • Breast milk is a super food. Not only does it contain all the hormones, carbohydrates, fats and vitamins babies need to develop and grow, but babies’ bodies better absorb and use these nutrients from breastmilk than from formula.
  • Breastfed babies are healthier. Their eyes work better. They have far fewer digestive, lung and ear infections. They have a lower risk of SIDS. As they grow, they’re less likely to develop asthma, diabetes, obesity and some cancers. They also do better on intelligence tests later in life.

Keep Your Family Healthy: Back to School Tips

Help keep your family healthy as you navigate the busy back-to-school season.

• Schedule a check-up for your kids if it’s been a year or more since their last one.

• Prioritize sleep. Sleep helps our immune systems work properly.

• Emphasize proper handwashing before eating and after blowing your nose, touching animals and using the bathroom.

To schedule a checkup appointment with a primary-care provider, call Prowers Medical Center Clinic at 719-336-6767.

  • Breastfeeding moms benefit too. When they breastfeed, their bodies produce more of the oxytocin hormone. Oxytocin is sometimes called the “cuddle chemical” because it induces feelings of love, calmness and wellbeing, helping them bond with their baby. It also helps the uterus return to its normal size and lowers the risk of bleeding. Plus, breastfeeding burns calories and helps new moms lose pregnancy weight. In the longer run, women who’ve breastfed are also less likely to develop breast cancer, ovarian cancer, osteoporosis and diabetes.

At Prowers Medical Center, since the babies stay with the mom and support person in the recovery room, there’s ample opportunity for the grown-ups to learn the baby’s feeding cues. Behaviors like smacking lips and turning the head mean the newborn is getting hungry.

“By the time baby’s crying for food, they’re upset, and it can be harder to get them to latch and feed,” Selker said. “Rooming in allows the mom and support person to not only bond and snuggle with the baby but also get to know their hunger cues and latch preferences. For example, some babies need to be positioned chin first versus mouth first. It can take a little effort to figure all of this out at first, but we help every mom, and it’s well worth it.”

The team at New Beginnings Birth Center at Prowers Medical Center can help new mothers facilitate their feeding choices and determine what is best for their newborns. For more information, call 719-336-6759 or go to