Your Place for Complete,
Compassionate Care
Your Place for Complete, Compassionate Care
25 07, 2019

Back-to-School Driving Tips: Staying Safe Behind the Wheel


The dog days of summer are coming to an end, meaning in just a few weeks, kids and families in the community will be getting back into their school-year routines. The first day of school for Lamar School District RE-2 is Monday, Aug. 12, and with it will come more congested sidewalks and busier streets. [...]

Back-to-School Driving Tips: Staying Safe Behind the Wheel2019-07-02T17:57:52-06:00
18 07, 2019

Medical Interpreters Create a Bridge for Patients


In response to the diverse community in Prowers County and other communities, Prowers Medical Center has made great strides in changing the community’s perception regarding the healthcare services they receive. Internal programs at the hospital have heightened awareness among healthcare providers and the staff regarding different cultural backgrounds and health disparities caused by their differences. [...]

Medical Interpreters Create a Bridge for Patients2019-07-02T17:54:42-06:00
11 07, 2019

Mid-Year Update from the CEO


If you know me, you know I believe that Prowers Medical Center and the community are united as one — neither can survive or thrive without the other. This means our purpose at Prowers Medical Center is to best serve the Lamar and surrounding communities in any way that we can. As your local medical [...]

Mid-Year Update from the CEO2019-07-02T17:51:45-06:00
4 07, 2019

Cybersecurity Now High Priority for Healthcare Facilities


Recent years have proven that cybersecurity is becoming more and more important for businesses across the nation — and healthcare facilities are no exception. According to Becker’s Hospital Review, data breaches cost the national healthcare industry about $5.6 billion annually, and in 2016, there was an average of about one data breach per day that [...]

Cybersecurity Now High Priority for Healthcare Facilities2019-06-25T16:05:47-06:00
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