Your Place for Complete,
Compassionate Care
Your Place for Complete, Compassionate Care
25 01, 2018

Stay on Your Eating Plan When at that Super Bowl Party


John Ruibal, RDN, CSSD Prowers Medical Center Registered Dietitian Nutritionist The Broncos may not be in this year’s Super Bowl but many of us will still plan a celebration for the big game. Now is the time to start planning your menu to have all the fun foods you like but to also have some [...]

Stay on Your Eating Plan When at that Super Bowl Party2018-02-02T16:22:41-07:00
18 01, 2018

Take Charge of Your Health!


It’s both empowering and intimidating to know that we can control—or at least strongly influence—our current and future health and wellness. To know that our actions today directly influence whether we get heart disease, diabetes, suffer from certain cancers, or are able to move easily without pain as we age is freeing. It is up [...]

Take Charge of Your Health!2018-02-02T16:16:37-07:00
11 01, 2018

9 Tips for Supporting Alzheimer’s Caregivers


Do you know someone who is caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s—a neighbor, friend or family member? If so, make it a New Year’s Resolution to give them a helping hand. It doesn’t take much, but it means a lot. More than 90 percent of people agree that caring for someone with Alzheimer’s or [...]

9 Tips for Supporting Alzheimer’s Caregivers2018-01-16T15:38:20-07:00
4 01, 2018

Nutrition Counseling Available at Prowers Medical Center


By John A. Ruibal, RDN, Prowers Medical Center Dietitian When I came to Lamar this past summer, I noticed a lot of very nice classic cars, big rig trucks and a lot of agricultural tractors and equipment. As a person that loves cars, one thing I have learned over the years is to keep your [...]

Nutrition Counseling Available at Prowers Medical Center2018-01-04T17:44:06-07:00
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