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Your Place for Complete, Compassionate Care
13 03, 2024

National Nutrition Month: Beyond the Table


by John A. Ruibal, MS, RDN, Prowers Medical Center Dietitian Each year the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics promotes a new emphasis for National Nutrition Month, which is March. This year’s theme is “Beyond the Table.” What does “beyond the table” mean? According to the AND, it means thinking about all our food and [...]

National Nutrition Month: Beyond the Table2024-03-13T11:47:14-06:00
22 02, 2023

National Nutrition Month: Fuel for the Future


by John A. Ruibal, MS, RDN, Prowers Medical Center Dietitian Each year the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics promotes a new emphasis for National Nutrition Month, which is March. This year’s theme is “Fuel for the Future.” What is Fuel for the Future? According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, it’s plant-based eating. [...]

National Nutrition Month: Fuel for the Future2023-02-22T11:21:46-07:00
28 12, 2022

Three Ways to Refocus and Reenergize in 2023


By: John A. Ruibal, MS, RDN, Prowers Medical Center Dietitian The new year is a great time to refocus and consider your life ahead.  Wellness should be a part of everyone’s journey, and improving physical and mental health should be central to this plan. We are never too old to reap the benefits [...]

Three Ways to Refocus and Reenergize in 20232022-12-28T11:04:48-07:00
7 12, 2022

Here’s to a Healthy Holiday


John Ruibal, Registered Dietitian The December holidays can be a lot of fun. Can they also be healthy? Fun and healthy actually go quite well together, according to Prowers Medical Center Registered Dietitian John Ruibal. “The holidays are a great time to reconnect with family and friends,” Ruibal said. “Socializing is both fun [...]

Here’s to a Healthy Holiday2022-12-07T11:31:06-07:00
24 08, 2022

Fuel Rules for Active Children and Teens


If you’ve ever watched children run around a playground, you know how natural it is for them to be active. Growing bodies and minds need physical activity to develop. They also need good food to fuel all this motion and growth. As children and teens head back to school and participate in fall sports, it’s [...]

Fuel Rules for Active Children and Teens2022-08-24T10:59:19-06:00
22 03, 2022

Why Is It So Hard To Change Our Eating Habits?


By John A. Ruibal, MS, RDN, Prowers Medical Center Dietitian Changing eating habits can be more complex than just cutting back on certain foods and increasing healthier options. There are many factors that influence us to eat the way we do. Because of different life factors such as age, family, socioeconomic class and [...]

Why Is It So Hard To Change Our Eating Habits?2022-03-22T14:22:47-06:00
22 02, 2022

Celebrate a World Of Flavors During National Nutrition Month 2022


By John A. Ruibal, MS, RDN, CSSD, Prowers Medical Center's Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Every March, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics focuses on encouraging healthy eating through National Nutrition Month. This year's theme is Celebrate a World of Flavors. It embraces global cultures, cuisines and inclusivity — plus the theme highlights the expertise of registered dietitian [...]

Celebrate a World Of Flavors During National Nutrition Month 20222022-02-22T15:54:13-07:00
4 01, 2022

Make Your Health a Priority: Create an Achievable Wellness Plan


It can be tempting to drastically change your health habits at the start of a New Year. Whether your goal is to lose a few pounds, lower your cholesterol, or even just visit your health providers more regularly, instant results are not realistic. Most people fall off the “health and wellness” train a few months [...]

Make Your Health a Priority: Create an Achievable Wellness Plan2022-01-04T15:58:04-07:00
16 11, 2021

Navigating the Holiday Season to keep your Eating and Fitness plans on Track


By John Ruibal, MS, RDN The weather is getting cooler, the days are shorter and the holiday season is here with many gatherings and celebrations to attend – now is the time to keep your exercise and eating plans in focus. Food is part of most holiday gatherings and celebrations; with a little planning, [...]

Navigating the Holiday Season to keep your Eating and Fitness plans on Track2021-11-16T13:40:31-07:00
3 11, 2021

Access, Prevention and Attention: Diabetes Care


November is National Diabetes Month, with World Diabetes Day recognized on November 14th. 2021 is the centennial anniversary of when insulin started to be used in diabetic care. While the medication has been around for 100 years, officials at the International Diabetes Federation say that many are still far from having access to the care [...]

Access, Prevention and Attention: Diabetes Care2021-11-03T11:45:32-06:00
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