Mission, Vision & Values


Prowers Medical Center is an organization of dedicated professionals committed to providing healing and preventative services to those we serve.


Prowers Medical Center will be the leading healthcare resource for the diverse populations of the region.


Honesty, Commitment, Compassion, Enthusiasm

We ALWAYS do the Right Thing at the Right Time in the Right Way.

Standards of Excellence for our Customers

At Prowers Medical Center, we take quality care seriously. Performance standards have been developed for all Prowers Medical Center team members to follow. These standards establish specific behaviors that team members are required to practice while on duty.

Compiled by team members themselves, most of these behaviors are demonstrated instinctively by Prowers Medical Center’s conscientious and caring workforce. By incorporating them as standards of excellence, we reinforce these behaviors, make it clear that they are expected, and encourage team members to be diligent about practicing them.

Our team strives to live by these guidelines on attitude, communication, privacy, confidentiality & privacy, and safety every day. If you feel we have not met these expectations, please let us know.


As team members of Prowers Medical Center, we are here to better serve our customers. Our customers’ most basic expectation is to be treated with courtesy. We are committed to providing the highest quality of service by meeting our customers’ needs with utmost care and courtesy. This commitment is reflected in our behavior. Expectations include:

  • Promptly welcome customers in a friendly manner, smiling warmly and introducing yourself. Don’t allow anyone to feel ignored.

  • Listen carefully to what our customers have to say. Avoid interrupting people unnecessarily.

  • Treat everyone as if he or she is the most important person in our facility. Treat all people with respect.

  • Rudeness is never acceptable.

  • Meet the customer’s immediate need or gladly take him or her to someone who will.

  • Apologize for problems and inconveniences.

  • Thank our customers for choosing our hospital.

  • Exceed our customers’ expectations by going over and beyond.

  • Recognize that our customers have a sense of urgency and show them we value their time. Customers are not an interruption of our work; they are our reason for being here.


As Prowers Medical Center team members, we are linked to one another by a common vision and mission: commitment to providing healing and preventative services to those we serve. 

Co-workers, therefore, are our teammates. They deserve our respect. Without their contributions, none of us could perform our jobs. Just as we rely on our fellow team members, they rely upon us. Each of us has obligations to our co-workers.

  • Treat one another with courtesy and respect. Rudeness is never appropriate.

  • Treat every co-worker as a professional. Recognize that we each have an area of expertise.

  • Show consideration. Be sensitive to a fellow team member’s inconvenience. Avoid eleventh hour requests. Consider another’s priorities in addition to your own.

  • Be tolerant of fellow team members. Recognize that conflicts may exist among co-workers, but professional courtesy is expected. Set aside differences when working together. Realize we all have personal shortcomings.

  • Be supportive of fellow team members. Offer help when possible. Cooperation is expected in the workplace.

  • Promote Teamwork and offer assistance. Eliminate intra/inter departmental conflicts.

  • Be loyal to your co-workers and Prowers Medical Center. Don’t undermine other people’s work. Be discreet in what you say.

  • Welcome new team members. Be supportive by offering help and setting an example of the cooperation expected in the workplace.

  • Be honest in all interactions with co-workers.

  • Respect the privacy of fellow team members.

  • Do not chastise or embarrass fellow team members in the presence of others.

  • Guard your words and actions. Comments or jokes regarding race, sex, religion, color, national origin, age or disability are to be avoided at all times.

  • Address problems by utilizing the 4-Step Process:
    Confront the Problem 
    Report the Incident 
    Document the Incident 
    Seek Support 


Our appearance represents Prowers Medical Center. Grooming and dress reflect the respect we have for our customers. While on duty, we will first consider our customers’s expectations in how we present ourselves. Our words and actions will convey a willingness to serve the customer. We will take pride in our facility and do our part to maintain a clean and organized work place. 

Personal Appearance: 
  • Our dress will always be professional, tasteful, tidy and discreet.

  • All customers will be greeted with a warm and friendly smile.

  • Identification badges will be properly worn at all times while on duty.

  • Dress code policies will be followed (proper uniform/clothing jewelry, perfume/scents).

  • Good personal hygiene is expected.

Facility and Environmental Appearance: 
  • When we come across litter, we will pick it up and dispose of it properly.

  • When we spot spills, we will see to it that they are cleaned up. We will be especially concerned about any debris or spill that could cause someone to slip and fall.

  • Equipment will be returned to its proper place.

  • Equipment will be returned to its proper place.

  • Workstations should be kept neat and orderly.


Every Prowers Medical Center team member must feel a sense of ownership toward his or her job. By this we mean taking pride in what we do, feeling responsible for the outcomes of our efforts and recognizing our work as a reflection of ourselves.

Take pride in this organization as if you owned it.

  • Be sure you know and understand the responsibilities of your job. Take charge of and accept these responsibilities.

  • Do not say, “It’s not my job.” If you are unable to meet a request, be responsible for finding someone who can.

  • Adhere to organizational and departmental policies regarding tardiness, breaks and time clocks. Do not “ride” time clocks by leaving your work area early and waiting at the clocks until it is time to punch out.

  • Keep your work area and surrounding environment clean and safe.

  • Strive to do the job right the first time. Focus on customers’ needs.

  • Look beyond your assigned tasks. Your responsibility does not end where your co-workers’ responsibilities begin. In most situations, responsibilities merge and blend. When it is appropriate for you to perform a service, do so.

  • Perform your work in a timely manner. Meet customers’ needs as soon as possible.

  • Pay attention to details.

  • Complete tasks. If interrupted, return to the job as soon as possible. If you are unable to finish a task, find someone who can.

  • Always conduct yourself as a professional.

  • Live the core values of the organization.


We will answer call lights in a way that demonstrates the care, courtesy and respect our customers deserve.

  • The appropriate caregiver will respond with a solution to a patient’s call or request within 15 minutes. If the caregiver is busy with another patient, an appropriate co-worker should meet the request.

  • Ensure continuity of care by properly reporting to relief caregivers before leaving the floor for breaks, meals or other reasons. Return from breaks and meals promptly.

  • Offer to help one another.

  • Notify the patient when you will return rather than having the patient call back.

  • Check on patients 30 minutes before shift change to minimize patient requests during shift change report.


At Prowers Medical Center we recognize that our customers’ time is very valuable. We strive to provide our customers with prompt service, always keeping them informed of delays and making them comfortable while they wait.

  • Educate families about the process. Family members need to know that procedures generally do not begin as soon as customers enter the area.

  • Provide a comfortable atmosphere for waiting customers.

  • If it becomes apparent that a scheduled procedure or exam will be delayed, inform the customer prior to the appointment. In the case of an outpatient, let the customer decide whether to come in later or make a new appointment.

  • If there must be a wait, the acceptable waiting time for a scheduled appointment is 10 minutes. Apologize if there is a delay, and if appropriate, offer a new appointment if the procedure can be rescheduled.

  • If there must be a wait, the acceptable waiting time for non-scheduled visits is one hour. However, customers may experience further delays while undergoing multiple tests or while patients with more serious conditions are being treated. In such situations, customers must be updated about their status at least every 30 minutes.

  • Show family members where they can find refreshments and reading materials.

  • Customers’ families are as important as the customers. Update family members periodically – at least hourly – while a customer is undergoing a procedure.

  • Always thank customers for waiting and apologize for delays.


Hallway etiquette can create a favorable impression for our patients, visitors and co-workers. Good hallway manners contribute to patient satisfaction and smooth transportation.

  • Use the hallways as an opportunity to make a favorable impression. Smile at and speak to fellow team members, guests and patients.

  • Do not discuss patients, their care or hospital business in the hallways to safeguard patient confidentiality and to maintain organizational integrity.

  • When transporting patients in wheelchairs, move in a slow steady movement and talk to the patient.

  • When transporting patients through hallways make sure their attire is appropriate to maintain modesty and that their comfort level has been met.

  • When entering a hallway with a patient in a wheelchair or on a bed or stretcher, always make sure the way is clear before pushing the patient through.

  • When a patient on a bed or stretcher is being transported by hallway, don’t allow the patient to be surrounded by other visitors or team members. Politely ask them to stay back until the patient is settled in their room.

  • Pause briefly before attempting to turn in a hallway so you don’t block the way for anyone wishing to go through.


The goal of communication is understanding. We are committed to listening attentively to our customers to fully understand their needs. Close attention will be given to both verbal and nonverbal messages. Our messages to customers should be delivered with courtesy, clarity and care. We must avoid confusing customers, and speak in terms they can easily understand.

Greetings and Introductions:

  • Every customer will be greeted with a warm and friendly smile.

  • Team members will introduce themselves promptly.

  • Use “please” and “thank you” and “sir” and “ma’am” in all conversations when appropriate.

  • Listen to your customer’s concerns in ways that show them you care.


  • All team members must know how to operate the telephones in their areas. When transferring a call, first provide the caller with the correct number in case the call is lost.

  • Attempt to answer calls within three rings or as soon as possible.

  • Answer all calls by identifying your department and yourself, asking “How may I help you?” or the equivalent. Speak clearly.

  • Get the caller’s permission before putting him or her on hold and provide them with a brief explanation as to why they are being put on hold when appropriate. Thank the caller for holding when you return to that line.

  • Callers on hold will be acknowledged periodically, given the status of their calls and asked if they want to continue to hold.

  • Phones will be placed on voice mail only when necessary. Recorded voice mail messages will be kept short and to the point. Avoid leaving complex messages.


  • Observe customers and visitors. If someone appears to need directions, offer to help. Let customers know that you will help them to their destinations. If you are unable to personally escort a customer, take him or her to someone who can. Personally escort, if possible.


  • Collaborate with each patient’s physician to help reinforce information that the physician provided.

  • Use easily-understood and appropriate language when giving patients information about health, special diets, tests, procedures, medications, etc. Avoid technical or professional jargon.

  • Reinforce verbal instruction with teaching sheets or other written material whenever possible.

  • Whenever possible, a multi-disciplinary approach will be used when providing patients and their families with information regarding tests and procedures.

  • Customers with special needs (i.e., translators for non-English speaking customers, interpreters, amplification devices and closed-captioned television for the hearing impaired) will have those needs addressed by appropriate departments.


  • Information about patients is strictly confidential. Every team member is responsible for ensuring that confidentiality is not compromised.

  • Information about patients and their care must never be discussed in public areas such as hallways, lobbies, the cafeteria or waiting rooms. Likewise, hospital business must not be discussed in public areas.

  • Release of information may be done by any trained hospital team member in accordance with hospital policies and procedures.


Our concern for customers’ privacy will help promote peace of mind and lessen their anxiety.

We will ensure our customers’ right to privacy and modesty by creating and maintaining a secure and trusting environment. When entrusted with a customer’s affairs, we will treat all information as confidential. Discussion of these matters will be restricted to situations where the information is necessary to meet the customer’s health needs.


  • Do not discuss our customers in public areas (i.e. hallways, cafeteria, etc.).

  • Interview customers in privacy. Close door if available; close curtains when indicated or keep a distance between customers when interviewing, depending on what is feasible.

  • Communicate with our customers’ families and significant others in a private manner.

  • Respect our co-workers’ privacy by eliminating gossip. Our customers also hear this unprofessional talk.

  • Phone conversations between team members and customers should always be conducted with discretion.

  • Patient records must be kept confidential.


  • Always knock before entering.

  • Provide proper size gowns for customers.

  • Provide a robe or second gown when a customer is ambulating or in a wheelchair. Provide sheets or blankets when a customer is being transported.

  • Close curtains or doors during examinations, procedures or when otherwise needed.


Safety must be the responsibility of all Prowers Medical Center team members to ensure an accident-free environment. “Think safe, act safe, be safe and stay safe” is the safety awareness creed. That is a fundamental part of your job performance. Accidents are the result of poor actions and attitudes that you can help eliminate.

To Maintain a Safe Environment:

  • Report all accidents and incidents promptly and completely.

  • If you see a safety hazard, correct if possible; report if not.

  • Know the policies and procedures, both hospital-wide and departmental, relating to safety issues.

  • Practice safety as a courtesy to your co-workers, your patients and all others.

  • Protect your back when lifting, pushing, pulling or carrying. Get help if necessary.

  • Be aware of potential chemical hazards; it is your right to know. Know where the MSDS sheets are located in your department and within the facility.

  • Respect all machinery. Be sure it is in good working order and use it in the proper manner.

  • Use protective clothing and equipment when appropriate. Always use universal precautions when caring for patients to protect you and your patient.

  • Prevent slips, trips and falls.

  • Be prepared for emergencies and know the correct and prompt actions to take.