Mental wellness is just as important to health and well-being as physical wellness. And mental illness is very common.
According to the National Council for Mental Wellbeing—a nonprofit organization representing more than 3,000 mental health care centers nationwide—one in five adults in the U.S. experienced some form of mental illness in 2020, and many millions more had a substance use disorder. A substantial number suffered both; over 32% of adults with mental illness also experienced substance use disorder.
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. This national program seeks to increase awareness of the importance of mental health, fight stigma, educate the public and advocate for policies that support people with mental health and substance use challenges.
Prowers Medical Center also recognizes the prevalence and significance of mental health challenges. We support the mental health of our community in a number of ways.
Mental Health Screenings
Prowers Medical Center Clinic patients are routinely screened for depression and anxiety. If you are experiencing mental health challenges of any kind, your provider may refer you to providers in our community, such as Valley-Wide Health Systems (which recently merged with Southeast Health Group) or High Plains Community Health Center, for further assessment and care. “Our mental health care partners in Lamar provide fantastic services,” said Amber Rider, Prowers Medical Center Director of Quality and Patient Safety.
Collaborative Discharge Planning for Substance Use or Behavioral Health Disorders
This new initiative helps ensure that Prowers Medical Center patients who are hospitalized or seen in the emergency room and who have substance use and/or mental health disorders as a primary or secondary diagnosis receive appropriate care after discharge. Our providers and discharge planners work closely with community care coordinators who help our patients get whole-person health care, not just medical care.
Patient Integrated Collaborative Care Team
Also a new initiative, this process makes Prowers Medical Center the lead care coordinator for patients being discharged from the hospital. We connect patients with the providers and resources they need, including care coordination for mental health and substance use disorders.
MAT—Medication-Assisted Treatment
Patients who arrive at our emergency room experiencing opioid-use withdrawal or overdose symptoms are carefully assessed and treated with evidence-based practices proven to aid in recovery.
Zero Suicide Framework
Prowers Medical Center participates in this program, which includes a universal screening process to assess all patients for suicide risk. Our team members also receive frequent education on this topic to reduce stigma and help them feel comfortable identifying and caring for at-risk individuals. Colorado ranks seventh in the nation for suicide completion, and Prowers Medical Center sees, on average, five to eight patients each month who screen positive for suicidal thinking.
“Prowers Medical Center is stepping up to play a more central role in our community in ensuring continuity of care for patients with mental health and substance use challenges,” Rider said. “Care is available but sometimes fragmented. We are trying to be the glue.”
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