Your Place for Complete,
Compassionate Care
Your Place for Complete, Compassionate Care
30 03, 2023

Thank You, Prowers Medical Center Providers!


In honor of National Doctors’ Day—March 30, 2023—please join us in honoring and celebrating our dedicated, exceptional team of healthcare providers. The healthcare profession attracts people who want to make a difference in the lives of others. And Prowers Medical Center attracts providers who enjoy really getting to know their patients and appreciate rural [...]

Thank You, Prowers Medical Center Providers!2023-03-30T11:17:12-06:00
23 03, 2023

Better Patient Information Means Better Security and Health Care


Beginning in April, when you check in for an appointment at Prowers Medical Center, you will notice a couple of changes we’re making to serve you better. Amber Rider, Director of Quality and Patient Safety, explains. Patient Photos Added to Medical Record Properly identifying patients is the first safety step in health care. Improper identification [...]

Better Patient Information Means Better Security and Health Care2023-03-23T09:39:43-06:00
16 03, 2023

Inpatient Hospital Care: We’re Here When You Need Us


A hospital stay is something few of us would ever choose. But when hospitalization is necessary, it’s comforting to know that Prowers Medical Center is standing by with the physicians, support staff, facilities, expertise and compassionate care you and your family need, right here in Lamar. “Many patients who have experienced being in a large [...]

Inpatient Hospital Care: We’re Here When You Need Us2023-03-16T07:44:10-06:00
1 03, 2023

Thanks to Pulmonary Rehab, Patients Can Do More, Breathe Easier


Breathing easily is something most of us take for granted. But for people with lung disease, breathing troubles can limit their activities and even make it difficult to go about their daily lives. And understandably, feeling breathless can be scary. “Our pulmonary patients often have anxiety over not being able to breathe well,” said Callie [...]

Thanks to Pulmonary Rehab, Patients Can Do More, Breathe Easier2023-03-01T13:48:33-07:00
22 02, 2023

National Nutrition Month: Fuel for the Future


by John A. Ruibal, MS, RDN, Prowers Medical Center Dietitian Each year the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics promotes a new emphasis for National Nutrition Month, which is March. This year’s theme is “Fuel for the Future.” What is Fuel for the Future? According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, it’s plant-based eating. [...]

National Nutrition Month: Fuel for the Future2023-02-22T11:21:46-07:00
22 02, 2023

Prowers Medical Center Announces Plans to Re-Open Labor & Delivery Services – Feb. 21, 2023


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE — February 21, 2023 LAMAR, COLO. — Prowers Medical Center is pleased to announce plans to re-open the hospital’s Labor and Delivery services on Monday, February 27, 2023. The decision to close a Labor & Delivery service line is never simple. Hospitals across the country that have closed their obstetrics (OB) departments [...]

Prowers Medical Center Announces Plans to Re-Open Labor & Delivery Services – Feb. 21, 20232023-02-22T09:18:51-07:00
15 02, 2023

Snoring a Lot? Better Health Starts with a Simple Home Sleep Test


If you’re someone who snores, you might have heard of sleep apnea. It’s a common but potentially serious problem that causes your breathing to stop for intervals while you’re asleep. Think of sleep apnea—derived from the Greek word for “breathless”—as short pauses in your breathing. These pauses can last just a few seconds up to [...]

Snoring a Lot? Better Health Starts with a Simple Home Sleep Test2023-02-15T11:07:19-07:00
8 02, 2023

Surgical and OB/GYN Care, Right Here in Lamar


Prowers Medical Center provides much more than essential primary care to area residents. Did you know that Surgical and OB/GYN care are also offered right here in Lamar through our experienced line-up of four general surgeons and two OB/GYN physicians? If you or someone you care about requires general surgery or gynecological care, it’s nice [...]

Surgical and OB/GYN Care, Right Here in Lamar2023-02-08T12:16:58-07:00
1 02, 2023

Cardiac Rehab Helps Restore Heart Patients to Better Health


After a heart attack, heart surgery or stent placement—or if you’ve been diagnosed with heart failure—the Cardiac Rehabilitation Program at Prowers Medical Center is here to help you recover close to home. “Our goal is to help people return to their normal lives with a good baseline of health and fitness,” said Callie Gadash, Registered [...]

Cardiac Rehab Helps Restore Heart Patients to Better Health2023-02-01T09:05:23-07:00
25 01, 2023

8 Ways to Show Love for Your Heart


Fittingly, February is American Heart Month. Valentine’s season is the perfect time to show your love not only to the special people in your life but also to yourself, by taking good care of your heart. Heart disease remains the number one cause of death in the United States for both men and women. That’s [...]

8 Ways to Show Love for Your Heart2023-01-25T14:15:22-07:00
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