Your Place for Complete,
Compassionate Care
Your Place for Complete, Compassionate Care
3 08, 2023

Prowers County Moms Choose the Benefits of Breastfeeding


Sue Selker, RN, Manager of the New Beginnings Birth Center at Prowers County Medical Center, reports that 40 babies have been born at the birthing center since its reopening at the end of February. That’s 40 moms and families who were able to deliver and receive high-quality OB and well-baby care close to home. “Everything [...]

Prowers County Moms Choose the Benefits of Breastfeeding2023-08-30T09:17:24-06:00
31 07, 2023

Hernias, Part two: Symptoms and Repair


As I stated last week in Part One, “95% of groin hernias require reinforcement to ensure the hernia will not reoccur.” Recurrence is to be avoided because when it happens, the hernia becomes much more complex and the second surgery more difficult. Most hernia surgeons offer polypropylene (think plastic) mesh for repair of the defect. [...]

Hernias, Part two: Symptoms and Repair2023-07-31T13:51:29-06:00
20 07, 2023

Hernias, Part One: Symptoms and Repair


As a general surgeon accredited by the American Board of Surgery, I have practiced all types of general surgery for over 30 years. I have extensive experience with hernia repair, including complex incisional and multiple abdominal-wall defects. I am joined by a colleague, Ahmed Zihni, MD, FACS, at Prowers Medical Center. In addition to abdominal [...]

Hernias, Part One: Symptoms and Repair2023-07-20T12:28:56-06:00
17 07, 2023

Keep Your Family Healthy as Kids Return Back to School


Getting ready for back-to-school involves more than shopping for new clothes and school supplies. Caring for your family’s health and well-being is also an important focus. Sheila Spears and Julia Tidswell, Certified Nurse Practitioners at Prowers Medical Center, offer the following tips for keeping your whole family healthy as kids return to school. Schedule Regular [...]

Keep Your Family Healthy as Kids Return Back to School2023-07-20T11:55:32-06:00
11 07, 2023

Surgery Close to Home


You might not realize that many types of surgeries are not only available but routinely performed right here in Lamar, at Prowers Medical Center. From minimally invasive appendectomies and gall bladder removals to hip replacements, C-sections, knee cartilage restoration, hernia repairs, cataract surgeries and more, our renovated operating rooms regularly see a wide variety of [...]

Surgery Close to Home2024-06-14T10:10:03-06:00
5 07, 2023

Imaging Services at Prowers Medical Center: The Same Quality as Big-City Imaging Centers


If your medical provider orders a CT, MRI, mammogram or other imaging test, you’ll be glad to know that the Prowers Medical Center Imaging Services Department offers the same state-of-the-art equipment and expertise available in large imaging centers. Larry Booker, Imaging Manager at Prowers Medical Center, said that he and his team always aim to [...]

Imaging Services at Prowers Medical Center: The Same Quality as Big-City Imaging Centers2024-06-14T10:06:00-06:00
30 06, 2023

Bone Density Scans: Detecting Low Bone Density


Have you and your primary care provider discussed your bone density? Bone strength is measured by looking at your bones’ density with a special X-ray machine called a DEXA scanner. DEXA stands for DualEnergy Xray Absorptiometry. Prowers Medical Center’s Imaging Department is equipped with a state-of-the-art DEXA scanner. “Your provider may order DEXA scans to [...]

Bone Density Scans: Detecting Low Bone Density2023-06-30T11:27:05-06:00
20 06, 2023

Seniors Enjoy Many Benefits of SAIL Fitness Program


The SAIL fitness program at Prowers Medical Center has been up and running for a year now, and Physical Therapist Nicholas Durst is pleased to report that it’s been an unqualified success. About 25 community members—most of them 65 or older—have participated so far. Some have signed up for the 12-week program then remained in [...]

Seniors Enjoy Many Benefits of SAIL Fitness Program2023-06-20T15:56:55-06:00
15 06, 2023

Guys, Take Charge of Your Health


Although men face worse health outcomes than women, they are less likely to seek health care. - Men die an average of five years earlier. - Men are at higher risk for heart disease, lung cancer and suicide. - Men are less likely to see their providers for care, including routine health screenings. Dr. Robert [...]

Guys, Take Charge of Your Health2023-06-15T11:10:25-06:00
7 06, 2023

Ten Tips for Enjoying a Safe Summer


Now that summer is in full swing, it’s a good time to be reminded of simple ways to ensure we all have an active, safe season of fun. Prowers Medical Center health professionals would like to share ten summer safety tips with you: 1. Watch the Weather Since weather conditions can change quickly in [...]

Ten Tips for Enjoying a Safe Summer2023-06-07T11:43:09-06:00
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