Your Place for Complete,
Compassionate Care
Your Place for Complete, Compassionate Care
11 10, 2023

A Time to Focus on Women’s Health


If you’re a woman between the ages of 18 and 44, scheduling your annual check-up should be on the top of your to-do list, said Prowers Medical Center Family Nurse Practitioner Kelli Bitner. Why? “It’s important for female patients to have an annual wellness exam to identify health issues that may not have surfaced yet,” [...]

A Time to Focus on Women’s Health2023-10-17T12:53:22-06:00
9 10, 2023

Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Do You Need a Mammogram?


Did you know that women who have regular mammograms are more likely to have breast cancer detected sooner, are less likely to need aggressive treatments like mastectomy and chemotherapy, and are more likely to be cured if they do develop breast cancer? Prowers Medical Center offers screening and diagnostic mammograms, including 3D mammography—the imaging method [...]

Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Do You Need a Mammogram?2023-10-11T11:28:25-06:00
9 10, 2023

Thank You, Pharmacy Team!


The Prowers Medical Center pharmacy is a hospital pharmacy. That means it only fills medication orders for patients being cared for on-premises. It may operate behind the scenes, but it’s a busy place. Led by Director of Pharmacy Robin Thacker and including Clinical Pharmacist Ray Luna and two Certified Pharmacy Technicians—Katie Kurtz and Bryana Carter—the [...]

Thank You, Pharmacy Team!2023-10-09T14:14:13-06:00
27 09, 2023

Thank a Physical Therapist


When you think of your favorite physical therapist, how do you visualize them? Does the phrase “always on the move” sound about right? Although the Rehabilitation Department is full of these amazing, busy professionals, sometimes they, too, need a little help. So, we’ve recently welcomed traveling staff to assist them with their growing caseload. “As [...]

Thank a Physical Therapist2023-09-27T13:39:59-06:00
12 09, 2023

Together We Can Help Prevent Suicide


September is Suicide Prevention Month, but preventing suicide is a community effort all year long. The more we are: • aware of the signs of suicidal thoughts and planning, • comfortable talking with one another about suicide, and • knowledgeable about what we can do if we think someone may be suicidal, the more effective [...]

Together We Can Help Prevent Suicide2023-09-27T11:14:25-06:00
6 09, 2023

Sepsis TIME: Know the Signs, Seek Immediate Treatment


When our bodies are infected by a bacteria, virus or other pathogen, our immune systems respond. They send a squadron of special proteins called antibodies to fight off the intruder. Thank goodness for antibodies! But sometimes our immune systems malfunction. Instead of battling the bad infection, our antibodies can sometimes trigger inflammation throughout our bodies. When [...]

Sepsis TIME: Know the Signs, Seek Immediate Treatment2023-09-06T11:08:44-06:00
31 08, 2023

Hospital Transformation Project Year Three: Progress and Opportunities


As Prowers Medical Center enters the third year of a six-year project designed to address needs identified by our patients and this community in a needs assessment deployed in December of 2021, we are already seeing successes from several programs and getting ready to launch additional initiatives.“We are working to better support patients with all aspects [...]

Hospital Transformation Project Year Three: Progress and Opportunities2023-08-31T15:08:07-06:00
31 08, 2023

Be Fentanyl Aware: No Community Is Safe from This Deadly Epidemic


In 2022, 1,799 people fatally overdosed in Colorado. Fentanyl was present in more than half of these deaths. Prowers County is not immune from this epidemic. According to the Prowers County Coroner’s Office, in May 2023 Lamar saw two suspected lethal fentanyl overdoses in a twoweek span. According to the National Center for Drug Abuse Statistics, [...]

Be Fentanyl Aware: No Community Is Safe from This Deadly Epidemic2023-08-31T14:41:27-06:00
29 08, 2023

How to Help Your Children Move Toward a Healthy Weight


At Prowers Medical Center, we want to equip you with reliable information to keep your family healthy. Because September is National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month, it’s a good time to focus on this important topic. About 20 percent of American kids are obese, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data. That means they’re at [...]

How to Help Your Children Move Toward a Healthy Weight2023-08-30T09:16:22-06:00
15 08, 2023

Children and Community Members Stay Healthier with Vaccines


As children rejoin their friends in classrooms, cafeterias and fall activities, it’s a time for community and gathering—which is why August is recognized as National Immunization Awareness Month. Communicable illnesses can easily spread in schools. Fortunately, today’s childhood immunizations have virtually eliminated many of the most dangerous diseases. “Immunizations are a very effective way to [...]

Children and Community Members Stay Healthier with Vaccines2023-08-30T09:15:27-06:00
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