Your Place for Complete,
Compassionate Care
Your Place for Complete, Compassionate Care
30 05, 2023

Does Your CPAP Mask Fit Properly? Tips for Ensuring Effectiveness and Comfort


If your mask doesn’t fit well, air may leak out or you might get pressure sores. If you’ve been diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea, you may have been prescribed a CPAP machine to use at night. CPAP (which stands for continuous positive airway pressure) blows air into your mouth and down your airways to [...]

Does Your CPAP Mask Fit Properly? Tips for Ensuring Effectiveness and Comfort2023-05-30T13:41:02-06:00
22 05, 2023

Prowers Medical Center Celebrates the Reopening of its New Beginnings Birth Center!


We are happy to announce that moms in our community are once again delivering their babies, right here in Lamar, in the New Beginnings Birth Center at Prowers Medical Center. The decision to close a Labor & Delivery service is never simple. Hospitals across the country who have closed their obstetrics (OB) departments in [...]

Prowers Medical Center Celebrates the Reopening of its New Beginnings Birth Center!2023-05-24T08:36:47-06:00
22 05, 2023

Bike for Health, Bike Safely


Riding a bicycle is great exercise. According to Cycling Weekly, it builds muscle, improves lung health, lowers heart disease and cancer risk, and helps you sleep better. It also burns upwards of 400 calories an hour and has been shown to bolster mental well-being, too. If you ride in pairs or groups, biking can also [...]

Bike for Health, Bike Safely2023-05-30T13:28:32-06:00
17 05, 2023

Prowers Medical Center Initiatives Support Mental Health


Mental wellness is just as important to health and well-being as physical wellness. And mental illness is very common. According to the National Council for Mental Wellbeing—a nonprofit organization representing more than 3,000 mental health care centers nationwide—one in five adults in the U.S. experienced some form of mental illness in 2020, and many millions [...]

Prowers Medical Center Initiatives Support Mental Health2023-05-17T10:51:02-06:00
9 05, 2023

Protect Your Health with a Quick Visit to the Health Fair!


The Prowers Medical Center Health Fair is held every Wednesday morning from 7 to 9 a.m. through July 26. The annual Health Fair provides a great opportunity for our community members to get an in-depth health screening at an affordable cost. For several years, we have worked hard to keep labs reasonably priced, yet comprehensive. [...]

Protect Your Health with a Quick Visit to the Health Fair!2023-05-09T16:01:18-06:00
1 05, 2023

Thank a Health Care Worker: National Hospital Week


As Prowers Medical Center celebrates National Hospital Week May 7th through the 13th, we salute and honor our local hospital team along with hospitals and health care workers across this country and around the world. Please join us by taking the time to thank all health care workers, who are always here for you. Many [...]

Thank a Health Care Worker: National Hospital Week2023-05-03T13:53:43-06:00
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