Your Place for Complete,
Compassionate Care
Your Place for Complete, Compassionate Care
18 12, 2023

Men, Get Your Annual PSA Screening Test


At Prowers Medical Center’s Health Fair, a prostate specific antigen (PSA) screening is one of the eight tests included for males. “All men who do the health fair labs will get a PSA test,” said Prowers Medical Center family physician Dr. Richard Book. “It’s a wonderful community health tool to check for prostate cancer. Early detection [...]

Men, Get Your Annual PSA Screening Test2023-12-18T12:15:34-07:00
18 12, 2023

Your Health All Year Long: Announcing $25 Labs Four Times a Year!


At Prowers Medical Center, we’re committed to helping keep our community as healthy as possible. That’s why in 2024, we’ll be offering our popular $25 Health Fair throughout the year! Every Wednesday morning in January, April, July and October, you can secure an appointment slot during the 7 to 9 a.m. window to have blood [...]

Your Health All Year Long: Announcing $25 Labs Four Times a Year!2023-12-18T15:43:19-07:00
13 12, 2023

A Message from the CEO


As the year 2023 comes to a close and we enter the season of reflection and gratitude, the team at Prowers Medical Center is taking the time to slow down, sit back and truly reflect on our many accomplishments this past year. It is a critical time in health care, both here in Lamar and nationally. [...]

A Message from the CEO2023-12-13T14:26:46-07:00
5 12, 2023

The 12 Days of Healthy Holiday Choices


Many of us think of the holidays as a free pass to indulge in all the decadent foods and drinks we want. After all, it’s only once a year, right? But Prowers Medical Center Registered Dietitian John Ruibal says that making just a few good choices during the last half of December can help us [...]

The 12 Days of Healthy Holiday Choices2023-12-06T09:25:24-07:00
5 12, 2023

Handwashing and Health: Fact or Fiction


The winter virus season is upon us. The villains in this story—influenza, RSV, COVID, norovirus, the common cold and others—all flourish wherever people gather indoors. Luckily, we also have a hero on our side. It’s an often underappreciated, unsung hero, but it’s one we can all rely upon to help keep us and our families as [...]

Handwashing and Health: Fact or Fiction2023-12-05T11:30:54-07:00
27 11, 2023

OB/GYN Praises “Exceptionally Superb Program”


Board-certified OB/GYN Dr. Christian Korkis has been caring for women of the Lamar-area community for more than 20 years. A 1986 graduate of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, he estimates he’s delivered close to 4,500 babies in his career. “It’s a beautiful, gratifying job,” he said. “There’s great satisfaction in delivering a baby.” [...]

OB/GYN Praises “Exceptionally Superb Program”2023-11-27T15:33:54-07:00
13 11, 2023
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Infusion Therapy at Prowers Medical Center: A Q&A


Infusion Therapy Services at Prowers Medical Center is staffed by Alexandra Tate and Tracy Williams, both Registered Nurses. But what is infusion therapy, and why is it an essential service to have available for patients who live in the Lamar area? Let’s find out. Q. What is infusion therapy? A. Many prescription drugs are taken [...]

Infusion Therapy at Prowers Medical Center: A Q&A2023-11-13T14:05:13-07:00
13 11, 2023
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Imaging Department Team Provides Quality Care 24/7


Medical imaging often helps clarify diagnoses and move patients forward to necessary treatments. So if your medical provider orders a CT, MRI, mammogram or other imaging test, you’ll be glad to know that the Prowers Medical Center Imaging Services Department offers the same state-of-the-art equipment and expertise available in large imaging centers. Our Imaging Services [...]

Imaging Department Team Provides Quality Care 24/72023-11-13T13:50:51-07:00
30 10, 2023
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Are You Prediabetic? Now is the Time to Take Action


Before developing Type 2 diabetes, most people live with a condition called “prediabetes,” often for an extended period of time. Prediabetes means that blood-sugar levels are too high to be measured as healthy, but they’re not yet high enough to be considered diabetes. Prediabetes is extremely common in the United States. According to the Centers [...]

Are You Prediabetic? Now is the Time to Take Action2023-10-31T14:46:59-06:00
24 10, 2023
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Fall Vaccines Help Keep Your Family Healthy


This year there are three vaccines to help keep you and your loved ones safer from the triad of dangerous respiratory viruses that start spreading during the colder months—influenza, COVID and RSV. Heath Perdue is a Registered Nurse and Infection Preventionist for Prowers Medical Center. It’s his job to help keep the Lamar-area community as protected [...]

Fall Vaccines Help Keep Your Family Healthy2023-10-24T16:27:25-06:00
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