Your Place for Complete,
Compassionate Care
Your Place for Complete, Compassionate Care
30 11, 2022

Wash, Wash, Wash Your Hands: How Good Handwashing Can Help Keep Your Family Healthy This Winter


It’s virus season. The dark and cold of winter keep us inside more, close to one another in confined spaces. And indoor heating tends to dry out the air. The viruses that cause respiratory illnesses like the flu, RSV and COVID-19 thrive in cold, dry conditions populated by lots of hosts—in other words, people. “Influenza [...]

Wash, Wash, Wash Your Hands: How Good Handwashing Can Help Keep Your Family Healthy This Winter2022-11-30T11:36:24-07:00
22 11, 2022

Meet the Additions to Our Primary-Care Team: Same-Day Appointments Now Available!


In 2022, Prowers Medical Center welcomed five nurse practitioners to the clinic’s roster of primary-care providers. They joined Daniel Klepacz, PA-C, and Kelli Bitner, FNP-C, in delivering preventive care, acute care and chronic disease management to people of all ages. Prowers Medical Center Clinic is very well-staffed to serve our community. No matter your health [...]

Meet the Additions to Our Primary-Care Team: Same-Day Appointments Now Available!2023-08-25T13:49:24-06:00
16 11, 2022

Enhanced Care for Seriously Injured Patients: Prowers Medical Center Earns Trauma Center Designation


The Prowers Medical Center Emergency Department has always provided excellent emergency care. But now they’ve added a new service line for the community. Effective November 8, 2022, Prowers Medical Center has earned the status of a Level IV Trauma-Designated facility. Trauma is a serious physical injury that requires immediate medical attention. Becoming a designated trauma [...]

Enhanced Care for Seriously Injured Patients: Prowers Medical Center Earns Trauma Center Designation2022-11-16T11:10:19-07:00
16 11, 2022

From Nurse to Nurse Practitioner: Join Us in Welcoming Andrea Crespin to Our Primary-Care Provider Team!


If you know Andrea Crespin’s name, it’s probably for one of two reasons. First, she’s been working as an Operating Room Nurse and Monoclonal Infusion Therapy Nurse at Prowers Medical Center since 2018. And second, her husband, Kirk, is the Mayor of Lamar. While at Prowers Medical Center, Crespin began working on her nursing Master’s [...]

From Nurse to Nurse Practitioner: Join Us in Welcoming Andrea Crespin to Our Primary-Care Provider Team!2022-11-16T11:01:13-07:00
16 11, 2022

Helping People with Diabetes Live Healthy Lives


November is National Diabetes Awareness Month, and Prowers Medical Center’s Sandy Summers, a Family Nurse Practitioner with a special interest in diabetes care, wants the community to know that she and her colleagues are eager to help people with diabetes (PWD) live healthy lives. “Type 2 diabetes is a common condition in my practice and [...]

Helping People with Diabetes Live Healthy Lives2022-11-16T10:59:55-07:00
9 11, 2022

Prowers Medical Center Earns Trauma Center Designation – Nov. 9, 2022


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE — November 9, 2022 LAMAR, COLO. — Prowers Medical Center has earned official designation as a Level IV Trauma Center by the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment. Trauma centers are hospital emergency programs with the staffing, training, systems, and equipment necessary to care for seriously injured people. Trauma center levels [...]

Prowers Medical Center Earns Trauma Center Designation – Nov. 9, 20222022-11-09T16:21:14-07:00
3 11, 2022

Western Healthcare® Named Hospitalist Physician Staffing Partner for Prowers Medical Center


(DALLAS, TX) – Western Healthcare®, a leading national provider of physician staffing services, is pleased to announce a new partnership with Prowers Medical Center in Lamar, Colorado. Effective November 1, 2022, Western Healthcare will be staffing the Medical/Surgical unit with healthcare providers, allowing for 24/7 acute in-patient hospital care to Lamar and surrounding communities. "Our [...]

Western Healthcare® Named Hospitalist Physician Staffing Partner for Prowers Medical Center2022-11-03T10:45:15-06:00
3 11, 2022

Flu Fact or Fiction: Take Our Quiz!


Here in Prowers County, we are now officially a good month into flu season. Prowers Medical Center’s Heath Perdue, Infection Preventionist and Tina Sandoval,  Chief Clinical Officer, have created the following quiz to test your knowledge about influenza and the flu vaccine. Answer True or False for each question, then read the answers below. You [...]

Flu Fact or Fiction: Take Our Quiz!2022-10-26T11:49:25-06:00
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