Your Place for Complete,
Compassionate Care
Your Place for Complete, Compassionate Care
27 07, 2022

Ten Ways to Keep Your Family Healthy as Kids Return to School


As the new school year approaches, it’s time for families to start getting ready. There are school supplies to buy, schedules to figure out and haircuts to arrange. Making the transition from summer vacation to the school year with a renewed focus on wellness is also a smart idea. Prowers Medical Center Certified Nurse Practitioners [...]

Ten Ways to Keep Your Family Healthy as Kids Return to School2022-07-27T09:17:20-06:00
20 07, 2022

Welcome to Your New MRI Suite at Prowers Medical Center


More than two years in the making, the new MRI suite at Prowers Medical Center is now fully open. A ribbon-cutting ceremony was held on July 27 to mark the occasion. Thanks to support from the Prowers Medical Center Foundation’s Priceless Pictures Campaign, a Colorado Department of Local Affairs Energy/Mineral Impact Assistance Fund grant and [...]

Welcome to Your New MRI Suite at Prowers Medical Center2022-07-20T11:24:25-06:00
13 07, 2022

CT Scans at Prowers Medical Center Provide Good Information Fast


If you’ve been injured or have undiagnosed symptoms such as abdominal pain, headaches, spinal issues or chronic pain, your healthcare provider here at Prowers Medical Center might order a CT scan. Sometimes called a “CAT scan,” a CT scan is a sophisticated type of X-ray. Instead of producing the flat, one-dimensional image you probably think [...]

CT Scans at Prowers Medical Center Provide Good Information Fast2022-07-13T12:14:39-06:00
7 07, 2022

Strong Bones, Strong Health: Do you need a DEXA scan?


You might have some idea whether you’re strong for your age and gender or not. That’s about muscular strength. But are your bones strong? Hm. That’s another question altogether. Bone strength is measured by taking a look at your bones’ density with a special X-ray machine called a DEXA scanner. DEXA stands for Dual-Energy Xray [...]

Strong Bones, Strong Health: Do you need a DEXA scan?2022-07-07T08:58:37-06:00
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