Your Place for Complete,
Compassionate Care
Your Place for Complete, Compassionate Care
28 12, 2021

National Pharmacist Day: Pharmacy is a Team Effort


When you are sick, you visit your medical provider and they prescribe you medicine. You pick up your prescription from your pharmacy, go home, rest and get better. Maybe, you are sick enough that you are admitted to the hospital. While there, your provider will order your medication and you receive that medicine in whatever [...]

National Pharmacist Day: Pharmacy is a Team Effort2021-12-28T16:02:08-07:00
20 12, 2021

Happy New Year: Please Don’t Drink & Drive


With New Year’s Eve plans taking shape, it is important to keep safety habits at top of mind. Also, remember with COVID-19 overwhelming healthcare systems across the state, including Prowers County, hospital beds are not as available as they have been in previous years. Do your part in helping healthcare workers this New Year’s Eve [...]

Happy New Year: Please Don’t Drink & Drive2021-12-20T12:23:07-07:00
16 12, 2021

Now Open: The Prowers Medical Center In-House MRI Suite


For the past five years, Prowers Medical Center has been working on updating technology available in the imaging department, allowing patients access to convenient imaging services right here in our community. The nuclear medicine camera and CT scanner were recently updated and the mammography unit was replaced with a state-of-the-art three-dimensional scanning machine. “We have [...]

Now Open: The Prowers Medical Center In-House MRI Suite2021-12-08T09:49:39-07:00
14 12, 2021

Karen’s Team Member / Community Thank You


To the dedicated team members of Prowers Medical Center and the many community members who continually support our efforts: In today’s uncertain times, many of us become concerned about our future and our families. In the world of healthcare, our commitment is to provide safe and reliable care to our patients. It is equally important [...]

Karen’s Team Member / Community Thank You2021-12-14T14:12:25-07:00
1 12, 2021

A Body in Motion Stays in Motion: Keep Active This Winter


Staying active through the winter is vital to your overall health and there are many ways to go about keeping your body in motion no matter how cold or dark it may be outside. “It is common for people to exercise less during the winter months,” said Nicholas Durst, a Physical Therapist at Prowers Medical [...]

A Body in Motion Stays in Motion: Keep Active This Winter2021-12-01T13:11:14-07:00
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