Your Place for Complete,
Compassionate Care
Your Place for Complete, Compassionate Care
21 10, 2021

Flu Season 2021: Why You Should Get Your Flu Shot


Flu season is here, which serves a reminder to practice proper hand hygiene, avoid close contact with those who are sick, and above all: get your flu shot. Experts say this year’s flu season will be more severe than years past for two reasons: first, not as many people were infected in 2020, so their [...]

Flu Season 2021: Why You Should Get Your Flu Shot2021-10-21T15:31:35-06:00
19 10, 2021

Tips That Will Come in Handy this Fall


Fall is one of the most magical times of the year; when else are you going to get to see those beautiful yellow, red and orange leaves? However, there is no getting around the fact that winter is coming. Luckily, fall is the perfect time to prepare. Fall Car Maintenance Now more than any time [...]

Tips That Will Come in Handy this Fall2021-10-19T15:02:34-06:00
11 10, 2021

National Physical Therapy Month: Move Better, Feel Better!


Did you know that being active and moving your body can help you manage pain and other chronic conditions? It can also help you recover from injuries quicker and reduce the risk of future injury and chronic disease. Helping patients through movement is what physical therapists do best, which is why October is National Physical [...]

National Physical Therapy Month: Move Better, Feel Better!2021-10-19T14:08:41-06:00
4 10, 2021

Annual Well-Woman Exams: Keeping You Healthy Now and in the Future


Women tend to care for their loved ones before themselves, but they shouldn’t let this affect their personal health. Getting an annual well-woman exam provides women with peace of mind about their health and allows their provider to catch underlying conditions before they worsen. In Colorado, about 64 percent of women between the ages of [...]

Annual Well-Woman Exams: Keeping You Healthy Now and in the Future2021-10-04T16:39:25-06:00
1 10, 2021

Board of Directors Addresses State Vaccine Mandate for Staff


 9/30/2021  To the Employees of Prowers Medical Center and the Citizens of Prowers County:  As you are aware, the State of Colorado Board of Health issued a statewide mandate requiring the vaccination of all hospital employees. The Board of Directors of Prowers Medical Center never issued such a mandate and had no plans of ever [...]

Board of Directors Addresses State Vaccine Mandate for Staff2021-10-01T09:37:51-06:00
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