Your Place for Complete,
Compassionate Care
Your Place for Complete, Compassionate Care
28 03, 2019

Prowers Medical Center Clinic Offers Several Options of Primary and Specialty Care Providers


You’ve likely heard the phrase ‘primary care provider’ or PCP in recent years. A primary care provider is your go-to doctor, physician assistant or nurse practitioner—the one you regularly see for general health needs. Studies show having a PCP means better management of chronic diseases, fewer emergency visits and hospitalizations and more satisfying care. If [...]

Prowers Medical Center Clinic Offers Several Options of Primary and Specialty Care Providers2019-04-01T13:18:54-06:00
21 03, 2019

Solutions for Lung Disease and Breathing Problems


Rarely do we stop and notice our lungs, yet along with our heart they are in constant motion—working no matter what. Millions of people live with lung diseases every day and know with each breath whether or not their lungs are working well. If you are experiencing breathing problems, know that there are local solutions [...]

Solutions for Lung Disease and Breathing Problems2019-04-01T13:14:04-06:00
14 03, 2019

Your Partner to Healthy Eating and Physical Exercise


By John A. Ruibal, MS, RDN, CSSD, Prowers Medical Center’s Registered Dietitian Nutritionist National Nutrition Month® is an annual nutrition education and information campaign created by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. The campaign, celebrated each year during the month of March, focuses on the importance of making informed food choices and developing sound eating [...]

Your Partner to Healthy Eating and Physical Exercise2019-04-01T12:36:23-06:00
7 03, 2019

Think FAST When You See Signs of Stroke


When we think about heart disease, the common concerns are prevention of the disease by maintaining heart health through wellness, exercise and healthy eating. A health risk related to heart disease and equally worthy of attention is stroke, which can have a devastating impact on a person’s health. A healthy diet and wellness routine can [...]

Think FAST When You See Signs of Stroke2019-04-01T12:19:42-06:00
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