Your Place for Complete,
Compassionate Care
Your Place for Complete, Compassionate Care
28 02, 2019

Prowers Medical Center Welcomes New Orthopedic Surgeon


Prowers Medical Center is adding a new specialist who will offer local orthopedic consultations, treatments and surgeries, starting Monday, March 11. This new offering will give local patients the opportunity to schedule appointments and surgeries close to home. Dr. Bryan Bomberg brings a diverse range of experience in orthopedics to Prowers Medical Center, including experience [...]

Prowers Medical Center Welcomes New Orthopedic Surgeon2019-02-22T15:26:13-07:00
21 02, 2019

Empowering You for Wise Healthcare Planning


February is National Wise Healthcare Consumer Month. Prowers Medical Center wants to share the following tips and guidelines to help you become a good consumer of healthcare.  Be Selective when Shopping for a Healthcare Plan, your Provider and Services Stay in the know about your specific healthcare plan benefits so you’re well prepared in advance [...]

Empowering You for Wise Healthcare Planning2019-02-15T16:23:51-07:00
14 02, 2019

Recovery after Surviving a Heart Attack


Surviving a heart attack can feel miraculous. What comes next in the road to recovery requires a top-notch cardiac rehabilitation program, such as the Intensive Outpatient Therapy offered at Prowers Medical Center. “The approach to cardiac rehabilitation is to start the program as soon after discharge from the hospital so that we can begin to [...]

Recovery after Surviving a Heart Attack2019-02-08T12:21:52-07:00
7 02, 2019

Matters of the Heart


February is the month for heart-shaped candy boxes and also the month that reminds us to take care of our heart—it’s American Heart Month! With heart disease being the leading cause of deaths in the United States, it’s key to stay informed. According to the Centers for Disease Control, approximately 610,000 people die of heart [...]

Matters of the Heart2019-02-08T12:15:06-07:00
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