Your Place for Complete,
Compassionate Care
Your Place for Complete, Compassionate Care
27 12, 2018

Thank You for Your Support


Dear Prowers County Community Members, This week’s Spotlight article is a little different format. Over the past year we’ve used this column to inform the community of the services and staff at Prowers Medical Center. We’ve often emphasized that we could not and will not exist without your support. Similarly, the community is enhanced by [...]

Thank You for Your Support2018-12-21T16:21:07-07:00
20 12, 2018

Holiday Greetings from Prowers Medical Center!


One of the real joys of the Holiday Season is the opportunity it brings to say, “Thank You,” and to wish our community the very best for Christmas and the New Year. Thank you for standing beside us, and for your loyalty and confidence in us as we work hard to adapt to the many [...]

Holiday Greetings from Prowers Medical Center!2018-12-13T17:11:40-07:00
13 12, 2018

Thank You for Making Our Community a Better Place


As we approach the closure of yet another year, Prowers Medical Center would like to express our sincere appreciation for all the hard work, dedication, compassion and talents that our Team Members share with our community. The Healthcare Team at Prowers Medical Center not only provides excellent medical care, but they give back and volunteer [...]

Thank You for Making Our Community a Better Place2018-12-13T16:51:01-07:00
6 12, 2018

Advanced 3D Mammography Coming to Prowers Medical Center


When you schedule a mammogram, you hope the experience will be as pleasant as possible. After all, you are taking a proactive role in early detection of breast cancer. You also want to know that your results will provide the clearest picture possible; no one wants to get the call that you need to go [...]

Advanced 3D Mammography Coming to Prowers Medical Center2018-12-13T16:14:54-07:00
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