Your Place for Complete,
Compassionate Care
Your Place for Complete, Compassionate Care
25 10, 2018

5 Tips for a Safe, Not so Spooky, Halloween!


Letting our kids roam the streets at night is not something we generally allow, that is, except on Halloween. It’s a holiday that’s made for a bit of rowdy fun. When kids are young, it’s easy. You simply go with them around a block or two and call it a night. It’s the later elementary [...]

5 Tips for a Safe, Not so Spooky, Halloween!2018-10-19T17:34:14-06:00
18 10, 2018

Supporting a Friend Through Breast Cancer


Being diagnosed with cancer is not only hard for the person facing the disease, but it’s also hard for family and friends. If you have a friend with breast cancer or another cancer, you may feel like you don’t know what to say, and you worry you’ll say the wrong thing, or come off sounding [...]

Supporting a Friend Through Breast Cancer2018-10-12T16:45:20-06:00
11 10, 2018

Women’s Wellness Checks to Prevent Cancer, Disease


Getting an annual wellness check gives you piece of mind that cancer is not lurking or heart disease isn’t creeping up on you. Some people take the stance that if something’s wrong they would rather not know about it. The problem is that if something is wrong and it’s ignored, it only gets worse and [...]

Women’s Wellness Checks to Prevent Cancer, Disease2018-10-12T16:41:05-06:00
4 10, 2018

Breast Cancer: Know the Symptoms and Get Screened


Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October is the perfect time to raise awareness about the symptoms and risk factors of breast cancer. It’s also a great time to consider if it’s time for a mammogram, and a reminder to do self-checks for breast cancer on a monthly basis. According to the Centers for Disease Control [...]

Breast Cancer: Know the Symptoms and Get Screened2018-09-26T13:01:01-06:00
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