Your Place for Complete,
Compassionate Care
Your Place for Complete, Compassionate Care
27 09, 2018

Maintaining a Healthy Weight is a Family Affair


Maintaining a healthy weight begins at home. While simple carbohydrates are easy to grab, taste good and fill you and your family up, they also lead to weight gain. “When we get used to eating carbohydrates, we tend to crave them, and seek them out. A high carbohydrate diet is one of the top reasons [...]

Maintaining a Healthy Weight is a Family Affair2018-09-26T12:06:19-06:00
20 09, 2018

Make Crucial Financial Decisions Early with Alzheimer’s


Legal & Financial Planning Seminar on Thursday, October 18 at Prowers Medical Center If you have a loved one who was recently diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or another type of dementia, make it a priority to discuss finances and life decisions now, when the person can give meaningful input. Waiting can often make it more challenging. [...]

Make Crucial Financial Decisions Early with Alzheimer’s2018-09-14T11:44:31-06:00
13 09, 2018

Super Charge Your Diet at Your Local Farmer’s Market


By John Ruibal, Your Prowers Medical Center Dietitian A couple of signs that fall is coming include parents and kids getting excited about the coming school year, fall sports, and fresh produce that’s locally grown becomes abundant at the local Farmer’s Markets. Farmer’s Markets are a great way to add freshness, variety and nutrition to [...]

Super Charge Your Diet at Your Local Farmer’s Market2018-09-07T09:25:49-06:00
6 09, 2018

Keeping Athletes in Shape and Injury Free for Fall Sports


For student athletes it’s important to know what to do to prevent injuries. A part of preventing injuries is preparing your body before hitting the field by warming up muscles and being well rested and hydrated. Dr. Darren Robbins, DPT, with Prowers Medical Center advises athletes to spend 15 to 20 minutes before practice stretching. [...]

Keeping Athletes in Shape and Injury Free for Fall Sports2018-09-07T09:16:57-06:00
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